
Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer

25 years of experience in all aspects of family law. 

Pragmatic advice, strategy and direction in an empathetic and supportive manner. 

How I help

No one matter is the same.  Each matter is unique with its own set of facts and circumstances.

I work in partnership with my clients to seek an outcome that enables them to move on from separation in a manner that imposes the least amount of harm on them and their children.   

My experience includes all areas of family law including de facto relationships, property, parenting, spouse maintenance and financial agreements.


Areas of expertise

  • You can legally end your marriage after you have been separated for at least 12 months.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

  • It is important to put in place a post separation parenting regime that is in the best interests of your children.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

  • A division of assets post separation must be “just and equitable” or “fair”. There is no “one size fits all” fair outcome in family law. I can advise you on how to achieve a fair property settlement for your matter.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

  • Am I in a de-facto relationship and if so, what are my rights ?

    It is important to get advice about the legal rights that flow from being in a de facto relationship.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

  • Financial agreements can be entered before, during or after a marriage or de facto relationship. I can advise you as to whether your interests are best protected by entering a financial agreement.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

  • You may be entitled to spouse maintenance or you may be liable to pay your former spouse maintenance. It is important to obtain legal advice as to your rights and obligations at the end of your relationship.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

  • Both parents have an obligation to provide financial support for their children until they reach 18 years of age. It is important to obtain legal advice as to your rights and obligations.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

  • Mediation provides parties with an opportunity to resolve their family law dispute themselves. A mediated settlement achieved with the assistance of lawyers and an experienced mediator provides parties with control over the outcome and certainty for their future. It removes the emotional and financial stress of litigation.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

  • A relatively new alternative dispute resolution mechanism that allows the parties to collaboratively negotiate a needs-based outcome for their family law matter dispute.

    Contact Fiona to discuss your matter >

Contact details

I am a partner at Bartier Perry.
